I Could NEVER Do That!


One of the greatest obstacles to getting after and accomplishing our dreams is buying into the lie that says, “I could NEVER do that.”

This simply isn’t true.

My friend Sue is an amazing chef. She is one of those rare, gifted people with culinary creativity who can make my taste buds and brain cells simultaneously explode. 

I pitched her different title and subtitle ideas as I wrote this book. After honing in on my frequency that people are made to be and do certain things, her eyes gleaned as she said, “People are placed here on earth to fulfill their God-given purpose. Too many people say, ‘I could never do that.’ But that is the exact thing they were made to do. You find joy in doing what you were created for. People who say, ‘I could never do that,’ are saying exactly what they are put here to do.’”

If you’re staring at your dream, saying to yourself, “I could never do that,” here’s what I suggest you do…

Do the opposite.


Question: Have you ever said, "I could NEVER do that!?" What did you say? Did you do the opposite? Leave comment. I'd love to hear from you.


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